Monday, February 9, 2009

Back With Good News!

I've been a horrible blogger the past few weeks, sorry about that. A ton of stuff has actually happened, but now things seem to have returned to normal, pretty much.

In summary: after six months of worrying pretty much constantly, I got confirmation Friday that I will definitely NOT be losing my job! It is SUCH a relief! The past month especially has been really stressful. In the next few weeks I find out if I will be transferred to a different site, though, which actually could end up being a good thing. Also, we moved towards the end of January, and though I'm totally psyched with our new house and location, moving is never all that fun.
So, January = suck, but February looks to = awesome! I'm keeping my job, just had a great weekend away with the BF on the Olympic Peninsula (enjoy the pretty pics I took!), are having a Valentine extravaganza weekend coming up with lots of social activities, AND now we're going to Vegas with some friends at the end of the month!

The past three weeks I've been HORRIBLE with my running....probably running 2-3 miles, twice a week. Bad, bad, bad. Need to get back into it. I love it when I'm consistent, but as soon as I start slacking off I spiral down this vortex of hating the idea of exercise. Oh, I also haven't cooked all that much (at least, haven't cooked creatively...)

But that's enough of me! I'm back to super awesome posts about food, running, and random other stuff you should find interesting!

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