Monday, December 15, 2008

Christmas Rush 5K and He'Brew Reviewed

You know how you occasionally have one of those days where you just want to DRINK? Not have a few glasses of wine, I mean start at noon and drink the day away. Saturday was one of those days.

First, I ran the Kent Christmas Rush 5K in the morning and shaved over 1:30 off my time. Yay! Here is a super hot action shot. I think I was concentrating on how much I hated all the little kids that were bugging the shit out of me throughout the race. I'm actually really happy with my time, because it indicates my training has been paying off - I ran the race at almost exactly the same time I do my long runs on the treadmill (5.25mph race, 5.2mph training on treadmill).

The shirts we got for participating were superhot, featuring a COW in Christmas garb. Maybe the svelte, gazelle-like women that can run a 5K in 22 minutes find them cute, but personally I really don't want to run around in public with a bovine motif on my chest. Oh well, it's a nice technical shirt, so it'll be good for layering.

Ok, back to what you probably care about: post-race I really wanted some libations. The BF and I swung by our neighborhood Top to pick up a few groceries and some beer for the day. I settled on a six-pack of He'Brew Genesis.

To be honest, 75% of my decision was based purely on the name - I am a sucker for a good pun. Additionally, the brand has been given positive reviews and I thought a golden brown ale sounded pretty damn tasty.

I was pleasantly surprised with the taste - it's really good! It tastes almost exactly like Spaten Oktoberfest, which is one of my favorite bottled beers (some beers are better on tap, some in bottles, is what I'm getting at). Overall, it's a little on the sweet side, with what I guess you would call a carmel malt (I'm not a beer critic). It's mildly hopped, with the hops really hitting you at the end with a nice, clean finish. I'm not into really hoppy beers, so this is pretty much at the high end of the hops spectrum for what I enjoy. This is definitely a beer to relax with and enjoy, not pound down to get drunk with. Plus, it's Kosher! Also, supporting smaller microbreweries is always a good idea, so AB and Miller-Coors don't take over the world.

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